Please check back at a later date for more guides and walkthroughs to be added. We currently don't have any IGI 2: Covert Strike achievement or trophy lists for PC. Please check back at a later date for more achievements and trophies to be added. Game Trainers: IGI- 2: Covert Strike (+5 Trainer) Skip to navigation. KBMime typeapplication/octet- stream charset=binary compressed- encoding=application/zip charset=binary charset=binary. Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game. Your anti- virus software may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).ĭownload IGI 2 with direct here. IGI 2 Covert Strike is a first person shooter game. Home » Games » Shooting Games » Download IGI 2 Covert Strike PC Game Free. Trainer Title: IGI-2: Covert Strike v1.3 (+5 Trainer) Date Posted. If you get a warning message by Google or Firefox, please ignore it. They (Googlebot) mistakenly think that some files on our Trainers section are "malicious content" and have decided to randomly display warning messages when downloading files. IGI 2 Free Download Game Setup for PC in single direct link for windows. Click on below button to start IGI 2 Free Download. Home » Games » IGI 2: Covert Strike » Downloads » Trainers » +5 Trainer by Deviated. 2: Covert Strike PC - v.1.3 + 5 GAME TRAINER - 26.9 KB I.G.I.Ģ: Covert Strike GAME TRAINER v.1.3 + 5 trainer.

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